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Emotional Maps

Multimedia Lab by Adrian Paci (2015)
Art Lab by Liliana Moro (2016)
IUAV University
Multimedia Arts Undergraduate Degree

My "Emotional Maps" serie wants to bring out feelings and memories which are usually locked in our minds. Things that other people can't notice, but have a strong influence on us.


I've started to stress a recurring theme in my head and in my work: the contrast between what we think and what we say, appearance versus inner thoughts. 

So I've selected the most important photos for me to­gether with some geographical maps of significant places. I retraced everything on contact paper by ink, connecting the lines of the various images.

In the following months I've decided to ask the same to other people, to create their personal and unique emotional maps.

For the final exhibition I've hang them up like true maps, materializing something that's usually inner and just emotional. 

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